Monday, July 7, 2008

Weekends are nice

Great weekend. Wedding in Cleveage on Friday. Small but awesome. Then managed to hit up the beautiful Lake Erie Islands for some much need recuperation time.

My crutch muscles are progressing nicely, so all in all, spirits are high, and so am I. At least metaphorically until this evening.

Current plans for the evening include meeting up with the softball team for beers. I haven't seen them since the incident, so that should be fun. In a make fun of the fat injured guy sort of way.

Today is a 'light in the tunnel' sort of day. My life and summer still suck, but I can see the end. 4 weeks til I walk again!

I'll need to get my wife something special for the abuse she's taking this summer. She deserves a trip to Aruba, but she may have to settle for a Spa Day.

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