Thursday, September 25, 2008


So...I moved last year. I needed to change my voter registration and address on the old Driver's License. A prick cop told me a few months ago that you only have 10 days to change your DL address, and he was actually doing me a favor by writing me a $100 ticket instead of calling in the state troopers to haul me in. Evidently, bogus DL address is a state offense yo.

So, Tuesday became my getshitdone day, since I was already off work for rehab and a doc appt at Northwestern.

My day started with a choice, and whenever that happens, I invariably choose wrong.

My choice: go to the DMV by my house, or the one on the way back from Northwestern?

Well, I don't know what the one by my house is like, but the one on Laramie and the Eisenhower is being remodeled. So, I sat in a party tent, setup in a parking lot, with 350 of my closest friends while waiting for my License.

But the wait was well worth it. Check this out yo:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The blog jinx strikes again.

The blog jinx: Name the demon and invoke that demon.

I poked some fun at Hurricane Ike forcing me to work on Sunday. His buddy, Gustav, decided revenge was in order.

Now I have no carpeting or drywall in my basement. You can say Gustav game me "a full 6 inches". Or maybe "he let his juices run all over my basement".

Regardless, he flooded my house.

So I spent Sunday working, and pumping, and working and pumping. I then spent Monday paying. Paying for someone to tear apart my basement. Then paying for Jimmy John's cuz what's $10 when you just spent $4k, right?

All you homeowners out there...Get flood insurance. It matters. With luck, I'll make enough from insurance to cover the plans I have in store for my soon-to-be waterproof basement.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Rock me like a Hurrucane

So, Hurricane Ike is bearing down on the Texas coast. Towards the main energy producing region of our great country.

To residents of the effected areas, this represents turmoil, uncertainty, danger and sadness.

To me, it means I have to work on Sunday. I would much prefer to feel empathy towards the good people of Houston from the comfort of my HDTV, while watching my favorite NFL teams battle for the right to say: "Screw You Mother Nature!!"

Instead I'll be working, blech.

Saturday should be fun, though. Company golf well, and I can pay off my car. Play poorly, and I get drunk for free. Win-win in my book.

Then off to a bachelor party. I'm not much of a traditional bachelor party guy. Not really into midget strippers, for instance(my own bachelor party notwithstanding). But I do like hanging out with dudes. You chicks should try it some time.

Over under for sack-showing...midnight.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Good weekend...Didn't do anything.

In college, and shortly thereafter, any weekend spent on my couch was wasted, not to return.
Now, and weekend spent NOT on my couch is wasted never to return.

Of course, with 2 kids, I can't really stay on the couch all day. I would accumulate around 50 pounds of assorted boogers, trucks, balls, and bruises if I let those 2 let loose on me.

Anyway, on saturday, I went out and spent some $$. Blu-Ray player, iPhone, and a new water filter for the fridge. Now I'm very happy.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Long Short Weeks

Why do the shortest weeks always seem to go on forever?

I would much rather have Friday off than Monday.

I lost my car keys last fall, and found them yesterday...In a pair of pants I've worn and washed 30 times since then. There must be a key gnome in my hamper.

Jack can say about 30 words semi-coherently, and still won't let me hug him.

My new car is awesome. I got angry at the rain yesterday, cuz it drizzled on my interior.

I'm bootless, and loving it. I'm also limping like a peg legged sailor.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back from the Bay. Refreshed, recharged and bootless.

Gracie made some quality gains in her swimming ability, and Jack continued his reign as king of "I'm pissed off, so don't mess with me"

All in all a great time was had by all.

I'm a big fan of driving the golf cart through the main town of PIB around 11pm. It's a pretty blue-collar boating/party town, so if you like to see half naked drunks fighting, this is the place.