Monday, July 14, 2008

Do Italians even play sports?

Great weekend. Cousin's wedding was held at the Italian American Sports Hall of Fame. Pretty neat place. It was my first time seeing an actual Heisman Trophy, or a real Gold Glove. I couldn't dance, or walk for that matter, but I managed to read the Prayers of the Faithful at the ceremony and at the reception the Scotch was Johnny Walker Black, so that worked out nicely.

Brought the kids to the actual Wedding, which is always great. Jack spent much of it Karate Chopping things and yelling "HI-YA". Grace was typically moved to near-tears to be in the presence of a Princess, which is evidently any woman in a wedding dress.

Stitches come out on Wednesday, then I can at least sit on the side of a pool. Oh, and also shower. Bathing(or filth-laying, as I like to call it) got old the first month, so it'll be nice to actually cleanse myself like an American again.

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