Monday, October 20, 2008

Disney updates part II

Couple pics just came in...Hot off the iPhone presses...

She shows uncharacteristic patience. This is serious business.

The finished product(she's the Genie from Alladin). Kinda creepy, but she's obviously super-pumped.

Meanwhile, back on the home front, Jack pooped. TWICE!!

Disney updates

The ladies are having a grand old time in the nation's tourist capital.

Couple pics:

Grace enters the park, stands with only her face in the sun, and squints like she's having a stroke:
A more representative pic of my favorite girl in the whole world:

Meanwhile, Jack and I languish at home amid a flurry of wrestling, tickling and eating meat. No Veggies for us men!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have to say, even though I'm not involved at all, my wife is doing one of the awesomest things of all time this weekend.

She's surprising Grace on Saturday Morning with a trip to...Disney World.

My wife and I have known about it for awhile obviously, but Grace has no idea. She's almost 4, but this has been her life long goal.

Last night, when she was going to bed, I asked Grace what she wanted more than anything in the world, and she said: "To see Disney World" then she got a little sad and said: "but you have to be 5 to go there."

HeeHee. She's going to poop herself.

While all that's happening, I get to spend the weekend with this guy:

Jack's newest thing is that if he wants to sit next to me on the couch, will walk up and say "Sit with the Dude?". It comes out more "sihwdoooo?" but I know what he means.

And yes, Jack, you can always sit with the Dude.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Not sure what year this is from...Somewhere near the turn of the century, I guess(that sounds weird) maybe even earlier.

I have no idea what costume Juan is wearing. Beastmaster? Braveheart? ANd why the fuck would I be eating an apple?

Anyway, it's always nice to find lost gems like this from pre-digital camera days.