Friday, July 11, 2008

Picture time

Here are some of my favorite recent photos. I understand that pictures of my kids are only interesting to me, but I'm posting them anyways.

Here's what my wife and I have begun to call 'Classic Grace', as this is her go-to photo pose. Notice the quietly folded hands and the hurry up fake smile. I sometimes get the feeling that Grace knows more than she lets on. This is one of those time.

As we move on to Jack, you begin to notice the subtle differences between my 2 kids. Same event, nicely dressed. Yet, here' you see the wild hair combed Trump style, chubby cheeks reddened by the exertion of climbing into that chair, and genuine love of trouble making. That's my son. At least he seems happy.

Getting away from the special event photos, we progress to my kids in their more natural environment.

Grace likes Easter, and she's not afraid to show you how much. Make no mistake, arts and crafts are serious business.
And of course, here is Jack in the wild. This is what he looks like 85% of the time.
As jack gets older, I'm continually amazed by how completely different my kids are from each other. Neither is better than the other, just different. I'm still amazed that I have kids sometimes.

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