Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The blog jinx strikes again.

The blog jinx: Name the demon and invoke that demon.

I poked some fun at Hurricane Ike forcing me to work on Sunday. His buddy, Gustav, decided revenge was in order.

Now I have no carpeting or drywall in my basement. You can say Gustav game me "a full 6 inches". Or maybe "he let his juices run all over my basement".

Regardless, he flooded my house.

So I spent Sunday working, and pumping, and working and pumping. I then spent Monday paying. Paying for someone to tear apart my basement. Then paying for Jimmy John's cuz what's $10 when you just spent $4k, right?

All you homeowners out there...Get flood insurance. It matters. With luck, I'll make enough from insurance to cover the plans I have in store for my soon-to-be waterproof basement.

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