Monday, August 25, 2008

One Ping Only...

So, the boot stays on for another week. I was kinda expecting it, so it's not a huge deal. I still showed the scar off to anyone who wanted to see it on Saturday night.

Speaking of Saturday night, I hope the camera where all the pictures are stored never winds up in the wrong hands. I'll never be able to run for president if that happens. More accurately, my nut sack won't be able to. I don't think my face is in any of those pictures.

If someone does happen to find it, I have a pretty good memory of which 'stem' belongs to which improviser, so I should be able to translate for you.

PIB this weekend. Counting the days...


Hixx said...

I turned gay.

BigHig said...

It's about time.

Hixx said...

still getting married though, we need the pots and pans.

BigHig said...

People have gotten married for less, that's for sure.